Catching Up - the news that is fit to type

Catching Up - the news that is fit to type

There has been a small interruption in the flow of blogs for no other reason than there were other things to do.  While Thanksgiving is not the huge holiday for Canada that it seems to be in the United States we have still been busy with friends, family and fall fair.

So the first up date is to show the results from the Rockton World's Fair. I entered four carvings and:



Two of my entries did well.  The other two were good but not as good as the eventual winners. There is a serious wood carving club in our area and they keep the standards high.

Also a Gnome update. You saw the house in the shop on September 13th. Here it is peacefully installed in Nicole's garden. 

All of these projects do not require many tools or much expenditure. Give it a try, chip carving is particularly cost effective, really only one knife.

Cheers, Ian

p.s. get out and see the Fall Colours before they're blown away.

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