This morning I set out to do a blog comparing the 4 1/2 grinder with sanding disk to a 7 inch sander with a sanding disk.
Both are great tools, sadly I can't show you any pictures of my tools because the computer doesn't feel like letting me load photos today. I am assured that I am the problem. However, it could be a software problem, or a hardware problem with my camera: or a software problem or a hardware problem with my computer or.....a software problem or hardware problem with my router or something in the system, but it seems I lack understanding and unreasonableness for expecting digital technology to be reliable. This is why I like working with wood, no bull shit.
I found the 4 1/2 inch grinder spins so quickly that it is a trick not to get burn marks on the wood, The big old seven inch disk sander removes lots of material, in a hurry but does leave swirl marks to be sanded away later.
If one were to finally die, I would replace it immediately. Unlike digital technology these are two tools I can count on.
cheers ianw